The Games I am Currently Interested In...

There are so many games out there that I would like to try, but here is a list of those that I might be playing in the near future.

  • Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower
  • Deathwatch: Overkill
  • Zombicide
  • Mice and Mystics

A friend of mine bought the first two games, and I intend to purchase the other two. I also had another game in mind, called Forbidden Stars, but it seems that right now I don't have the time to learn it. Then there's Cthulu Wars, which is just plain crazy expensive, so I don't foresee playing that any time soon.
I also play MTG: Magic the Gathering with a couple of buds. I don't play as much as I used to, but I still enjoy the game for it's awesome artwork, and great mechanics. It's mainly a social thing for me, so there's no FNM or tournaments. But I am competitive, so I always try to win!

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